Dental prosthesis

Prosthodontics recovers and protects damaged or non-existent teeth. In many cases, this requires restoration via dental prosthesis, i.e., through ceramic veneers, crowns or bridges, whether supported by natural teeth or on implants.

Dental prosthesis

The evolution of materials and techniques has enabled stunning cosmetic results to be achieved. The dentistry involved allows partial restorations, like veneers, to be performed. Nowadays, ceramic veneers are standard, while dental implants allow single-tooth prostheses to be inserted without damaging the adjacent teeth, partial prostheses in several teeth and even an edentulous mouth.

Good case planning is essential with prostheses; for single-tooth cases to the full restoration of the mouth. Therefore, at Stoma Dental Clinic, the prosthetist initially assesses the case and can refer the treatment to different specialists.

Frequently asked questions

I don’t like crowns because you can see them

Crowns performed satisfactorily should not be distinguishable from a natural tooth, both cosmetically and functionally. Over time, the gum may change position both around natural teeth and crowns. This natural movement of the gum can be minimised with perfect hygiene and maintenance. Even then, over time, you may need to change crowns for cosmetic reasons.

Isn’t it bad to “cut” the tooth so much when inserting a crown?

To restore teeth, we’ll need to perform a correct diagnosis allowing us to decide what kind of restoration is most suitable in each case. The different kinds of restoration shall determine how many teeth must be remodelled or cut. The right restoration is the one that restores the tooth both cosmetically and functionally, and protects the remaining dental structure on a long-term basis. Therefore, remodelling a tooth is to be able to adequately restore and protect it.

Can caries occur on bridges or crowns?

Yes, the support structure is still the natural tooth, and this remains susceptible to dental caries particularly in the crown margin, therefore, proper maintenance through good hygiene and regular check-ups is essential.

Is “killing” the tooth nerve necessary for having a crown made?

Not necessarily. Endodontics or “killing the nerve”, when required, will allow the teeth and their corresponding prosthesis to remain, but in many cases it isn’t necessary to devitalise the tooth to insert a prosthesis.

What’s better, a bridge or an implant?

Each treatment has its medical recommendation, since their appearance, implants have revolutionised dentistry and prevent many teeth from being remodelled. Even so, we must consider that in some cases, we obtain better results with a bridge. Each situation must be assessed by a specialist, who shall recommend the best treatment.

What’s a veneer?

A veneer or ceramic laminate veneer, as its name suggests, is a thin ceramic laminate attached to the tooth via an adhesive technique. Due to advances in adhesion, restorative treatments are increasingly less invasive and provide impeccable cosmetic results.

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