
Periodontal disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss among adults, affecting three out of every four people at some stage in their life.


Bacterial dental plaque is a colourless and sticky film that constantly forms between teeth even without food. The careful removal of the bacterial plaque by brushing teeth daily and using dental floss and/or an interdental toothbrush helps to prevent periodontal disease. A healthy smile is the natural complement to your image and helps you to speak with greater confidence.

Frequently asked questions

Are gum diseases common?

They are among the most common human diseases. Research has shown that gingivitis affects almost the whole child and adult populations. Although periodontitis only affects children, one out of every two adults aged over 35 years suffers from such diseases.

How do I know if my gums are sick?

The symptoms are spontaneous bleeding or bleeding when brushing teeth, the appearance of pus in gums, bad taste or bad breath, reddening, receding, teeth changing position, heat sensitivity, pain and even movement. Only a periodontist can provide an accurate diagnosis, so if any of these symptoms appear, you should arrange an appointment to assess the situation and get advice on how to act. Sometimes an increased tendency for gum bleeding appears at certain stages in a woman’s life, which we’ll explore in further detail below.

How does smoking affect gums?

Smoking worsens the evolution of periodontitis through reducing blood supply to gum tissues and lowering their defensive capacity to bacteria. This occurs whether smoke is swallowed or not, and is related to the number of cigarettes consumed, The maximum effect is seen above a packet a day, and is much less significant when lower than 10. In patients that stop smoking, after a few months , the gum acquires some characteristics making it similar to gums in people who have never smoked, therefore quitting smoking is a guarantee of health for gums and the effectiveness of treatment when suffering periodontitis.

Are gum diseases contagious?

Recent research has shown that people living with periodontal patients for several years are more likely to develop the disease.

The most susceptible family members would be children and stable partners, and it is transmitted via saliva. . Infection is caused by kissing, but initially we don’t recommend changing any relationship habits. However, if you’re suffering from this disease, it is advisable to recommend that your family undergo a routine check with the dentist to rule out affection.

How is gum health related to heart attacks?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main cause of death in Spain. The role of high cholesterol, obesity, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle have been conventionally acknowledged in the development of a CVD. However, these risk factors do not explain all the clinical and epidemiological aspects of this disease. . Evidence has increasingly revealed links between the presence of chronic infections and swelling, and CVDs. Without doubt, the most common chronic infections are caries and periodontal diseases, the latter among adults, where patients more commonly suffer from CVDs.

Studies undertaken in 1989 indicated a relationship between dental disease and acute cardiovascular accidents. Initially, the possibility of establishing a relationship between both circumstances was considered with caution, However, more detailed studies were subsequently carried out, which established that the relationship between dental infections and coronary atherosclerosis was of the same magnitude as that published for classic risk factors such as cholesterol. The presence of blood in certain substances that appear with swelling (cytokines), has been related to the appearance of CVDs.

Las bacterias presentes en las bolsas periodontales no tratadas pasan con frecuencia a la sangre como consecuencia de actos como la mínima masticación; these lead to the overproduction of cytokines that may have an effect on distant organs such as coronary arteries. The maintenance of proper oral health based on oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist to diagnose, prevent, and treat caries and periodontal diseases are certainly an extra guarantee in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

What is cosmetic periodontal surgery?

These are a series of procedures that help to maintain a smile’s harmony or restore normalcy to defects produced by periodontitis or other causes. They help dentists in many prosthetic treatments and also help to preserve gum health in the long-term.

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