
Endodontics consists of the removal of diseased (infected) pulp tissue from inside the root canal, the cleaning and preparation of the entire root canals, and the complete filling and obturation of the canals with a special material.


Endodontics serves to save the teeth and, consequently, prevent their extraction. With this surgery, practical chewing functions can continue, and, a desirable level of denture cosmetics can also be maintained.

Frequently asked questions

How many sessions are necessary?

For most treatments, endodontics can be done in a single session, although some cases may require two or more sessions, always at the discretion of the professional performing the treatment.

Is the treatment painful?

Endodontics treatment is performed under the effect of local anaesthetics. After the endodontic treatment and when the effect of the anaesthetics has worn off, you may experience some discomfort when chewing for a few days from irritation to periodontal tissue around the root. Appropriate medication shall be required for such cases.

Can endodontics be performed with a boil?

In most cases, opening and cleaning the root canals helps to deal with the boil.

Does a tooth that has undergone endodontics require any special care?

After proper endodontics treatment and suitable final restoration of the tooth, it shall behave like other teeth both in terms of function and duration, requiring the same hygienic care, prevention and regular check-ups as any other tooth.

Are teeth more fragile after endodontics treatment?

Teeth that aren’t restored are more susceptible to a fracture, and therefore you should visit the clinic as soon as possible after treatment. In a few cases, a properly restored and treated tooth may suffer a fracture after a period of time due to loss of the restoration, caries or other predisposing factors, including bruxism.

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