Do your implants require maintenance?
Do your implants require maintenance?
Recently published scientific studies show that patients who have suffered Periodontitis (gum disease and bone supporting the teeth) and currently carriers of dental implants, have an increased risk of periimplantitis.

Recently published scientific studies show that patients who have suffered Periodontitis (gum disease and bone supporting the teeth) and currently carriers of dental implants, have an increased risk of periimplantitis (infection of the gums and bone supporting the implants). These studies also prove that patients following a maintenance and prevention program have a minimal percentage of suffering periimplantitis.
At the same time, patients following a supervised revision program after being treated, have a smaller risk of suffering gum inflamation around teeth, prosthesis and implants, as well as presenting a marginal caries percentage.
This is why Stoma Clinic recommends following our maintenance program through periodic visits once the treatment has ended, thus ensuring long-term conservation and healthy mouth free of infection and decay. The maintenance treatment the patient does at home is as important, following hygiene techniques and recommended brushing our specialists are equally important.