Dental cosmetics

Dental cosmetics have always been a priority at the Stoma Dental Clinic. To obtain the best results, teamwork is a core principle in every department. At Stoma, maintaining and achieving the best dental cosmetics and health is essential.

Dental cosmetics

Dental cosmetics begin with proper care and maintenance of teeth and gums. Las higienes y revisiones dentales ayudaran a mantener una boca sana y a la vez permite realizar tratamientos estéticos desde un blanqueamiento dental, from whitening, a gingival cosmetic recontouring, the treatment using composites of small caries and dental fractures until the recovery of a smile through veneers, ceramic crowns and implants. All these treatments require the experience and training of a team like Stoma’s.

Frequently asked questions

What’s exactly a veneer?

A veneer or ceramic laminate veneer, as its name suggests, is a thin ceramic laminate attached to the tooth via an adhesive technique. Due to advances in adhesion, restorative treatments are increasingly less invasive and provide impeccable cosmetic results.

My crowns show and I don’t like that

Crowns performed satisfactorily should not be distinguishable from a natural tooth, both cosmetically and functionally. Over time, the gum may change position both around natural teeth and crowns. This natural movement of the gum can be minimised with perfect hygiene and maintenance. Even then, over time, you may need to change crowns for cosmetic reasons.

Which whitening techniques exist?

There are two whitening techniques:

  1. Whitening in the consultation: performed with 20%-37% hydrogen peroxide gels that are self-activating or activated by heat or light.
  2. Residential whitening upervised by the professional and administered by the patient at his/her residence using carbamide peroxide gel at 10%- 12%.

Combinations of the 2 techniques can be used to optimise results whenever the professional considers desirable. These products are able (through heat and/or special light activation) to release molecules that filter through the teeth enamel, and thus the inner tissue of the teeth (dentine) gives them colour, and undergoes an oxidation process resulting in a whitening of the dental tissues. The whitening intensity depends on each patient, and the colour of the patient’s teeth, so examination by the specialist is essential to establish the whitening prospects.

Are risks involved?

The American Dental Asociation (ADA) ,following close monitoring for several years, states that there are no harmful effects either for teeth or for health, even when these whitening gels are used on a long-term basis. The only drawback is dental sensitivity during the first days of treatment.

Not all patients can undergo whitening techniques. It’s important to arrange an appointment to assess if the patient is suitable for teeth whitening.

With proper use of the dental whitening techniques, no damage to the enamel, dentine, pulp, gum, fillings or prosthesis has been observed. Some people experience increased sensitivity 2 or 3 days.

If I’m pregnant, can I whiten my teeth?

No. Whitening is not advisable for pregnant, and, breastfeeding women, for diabetes or heart disease, and for those aged 13 years ago.

How long does the whitening effect usually last?

The final whitening obtained will remain for 2 to 7 years ago, depending on each patient’s teeth and the care given. In any case, when the whitening decreases, the initial colour, never returns; they always remain whiter. In such cases, a whitening treatment “reminder” is enough to recover the maximum initial whitening. According to the ADA, after 5 years, only 20% of the cases studied lost a little of the whitened tone. However, during the first few days after the treatment, a white diet must be followed, meaning foods without colourings: milk, rice, pasta, fish… avoiding, as much as possible, colouring foods: coffee, tea, cigarettes, red wine, fizzy drinks, curry, etc. It is also advisable to undergo a reminder treatment every year to maintain the initial results, i.e, apply the gel to the mould for 1 hour over 2 or 3 days.

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