Dental implants

Extensive experience, teamwork and continuing to monitor patients over the years, has made the Stoma Clinic team into real specialists in dental implants aesthetics.

Dental implants

Dental implants have undergone major change since the 80 with the discovery of osteointegrated implants in Sweden, and have become a treatment with a long-term guarantee of success. In 1985 our team travelled to Sweden to learn the technique and in March 1986 the first implant surgery is done in Stoma Dental Clinic, making us one of the 5 pioneering teams in Spain. Now, three decades later, these first patients still have their new teeth on their implants.

Extensive experience, teamwork and continuing to monitor patients over the years, has made the Stoma Dental Clinic team into real specialists in implant aesthetics, which is currently one of the most difficult objectives to achieve in dentistry.

The Stoma team has taught numerous courses and spoken at many conferences both in Spain and abroad, and is a benchmark for many colleagues who trust our ability in the most complex cases.

Frequently asked questions

Could it cause an allergy, or might I reject the implant?

No, but there may be a lack of integration meaning we have to change the implant for another one.

Can infection occur?

It’s highly unlikely, the technique is always performed with anti-biotic coverage and under sterilisation, however, your hygiene measures are also important.

If I don’t have much bone, can I hold down the prosthesis with implants?

There are special regenerative techniques to solve some cases, and different prosthetic options.

Should I be worried about complications after inserting the prosthesis?

Complications are uncommon. There may be a de-cementing, loosening of fastening screws, resin wear, or, detachment of a tooth; These are almost always due to an overload or excessive functioning, which also occurs with natural teeth and we have to install a discharge plaque (night protector) to minimize this.

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