Good Easter!
Good Easter!
From Thursday 24 March and until Monday 28, both inclusive, You can use our emergency by calling to the telephone service: 636 972 628

From Thursday 24 March and until Monday 28, both inclusive, You can use our emergency by calling to the telephone service: 636 972 628
More than 300 dentists met at COEC / Official College of Stomatology and Dental of Catalunya to celebrate the 30 years of the placement of the 1st. Implant in STOMA.
Great success of the day “update in implantology by the best experts”. More than 300 dentists met at COEC / Official College of Stomatology and Dental of Catalunya to celebrate the 30 years of the placement of the 1st. Implant in STOMA.
Here is the photo gallery.
Last Saturday 30 January La Vanguardia published the monograph “Companies With History”, dedicated to the history and evolution of the Catalan company throughout history.
Last Saturday 30 January La Vanguardia published the monograph “Companies With History”, dedicated to the history and evolution of the Catalan company throughout history. This publication aims to highlight “Emblematic entities with decades of history, that it unites innovation and vision long-term, they have weathered recessions and have increased their assure, being a business example and source of inspiration for entrepreneurs”.
We hope you find it interesting.
Scientific conference with top experts in implantology.
Now, 45 years ago, our Dr. Jaume LLena Amat created the first multidisciplinary clinic in Spain, CLINICA DENTAL STOMA, and in March 1986, n 30 years ago, we put the first implant.
On the occasion of this anniversary we have organised a scientific conference with the best experts in implantology.
It will be an open session to everybody interested, in which will discuss the current state of the exciting world of implants in order to know “where we are and where we are going?”.
The capacity is limited so pre-registration is required at the email .
We will be glad to have your assistance!
Orthoapnea is a new patented intraoral device It is especially indicated in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea syndrome.
During sleep the muscles responsible for maintain the airway permeable suffer a relaxation, the passage of the air at the level of the pharynx is difficult, as a result the soft tissues vibrate producing snoring. On many occasions a lack of air flow produces a drop in oxygen levels in the blood, the brain is alerted by this decline, producing numerous interruptions of sleep all nigh.
This oxygen deficiency It generates a series of symptoms such as the hypersomnolence, generalized fatigue, Depression etc.. At a general level even, It increases the risk of certain diseases such as hypertension, infarction, thromboembolism, Type II diabetes, inter.
The hypersomnolence, memory loss, and alterations in mood affect the personal life, labour and social of the sick, not to mention the risk of an occupational or traffic accident to be more vulnerable to falling asleep while carries out these activities.
Orthoapnea is a new patented intraoral device It is especially indicated in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea syndrome. Its mechanism of action is based on a controlled and comfortable Mandibular Advancement, through the increase of level of the airway muscle tone. This easily makes the passage of air eliminating snoring and improving the episodes of apnea, which result in a marked improvement in the quality of life of the patients.
Consult us if you think that you may have sleep apnea, We will evaluate your case, We will make a diagnosis and if necessary adapt it an Orthoapnea to measure. Do not hesitate, is time for good sleep!
Clinica Dental Stoma wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and joy 2016. During these celebrations the clinic will be open every working day. On December 24, 31 and on January 5 in January we will be open in the morning.
Last 19 h. of November Drs. Jaume and Oriol Llena held a Conference at the COEC (Official College of odontologists and stomatologists in Catalonia)
They presented a summary of the protocols developed during the clinic experience. 30 Stoma is the first interdisciplinary clinic in Spain founded 45 years ago and one of the pioners on implantology. Next year we will be celebrating the 30 years anniversary from our fist implant placement.. The protocols presented the various options that we have to restore a tooth with a composite, micro veneer, ceramic veneer, crown etc., to a single implant, partial or total rehabilitation with implants.
Last May 22, the tenth edition of the charity golf tournament organized by the Raval Solidari Foundation took place every year, in which Stoma collaborated as a sponsor.
Created in 1998, the foundation is dedicated to volunteering in areas such as family care, socio-educational support and the promotion of women with the goal of building an enriching coexistence in this district of Barcelona.
The tournament was held in the facilities of the Royal Golf Club El Prat and the collection went entirely to finance the social action projects of the entity. At Stoma Dental Clinic we are proud to be able to collaborate in this solidarity event and contribute our small part to continue building a Barcelona every day better.
Please note that the clinic will be open during the month of August except Thursday 13 to Friday 21, we will be on vacation.
We take this opportunity to remind you that during the days the clinic is closed, you can use our emergency service by calling 636 972 628.
On Monday 9 February, the Day of Saint Apollonia, the patron saint of dentists, the clinic will be closed.
As we do every year, the whole team will undergo a first aid refresher’s course to learn about recent developments in the field and to be able to continue offering a high quality service to our patients.
Dr Cedó’s team of anaesthetists will show us the newest and safest CPR techniques and we’ll do a practical session with the AED defibrillator we have in the Stoma Clinic, in addition to the other preventive measures we have. Then we’ll have a lunch where we’ll share opinions and experiences to provide you all with the best possible care.